Green Artificial Christmas Trees: Storage Tips

How to Store Your Green Artificial Christmas Tree

Many people look forward to the Christmas season throughout the year. This is a time of year when you are decorating, buying gifts for those who mean a lot to you, going to functions, and overall celebrating this joyous season. You may have numerous green artificial Christmas trees set up in your home, and in your workplace. They are fun to enjoy throughout this season, but when the season ends, this is the time that many people dread. Why is this? While it was fun decorating these green artificial Christmas trees, it can be a hassle to put everything up and store this for the next year.

We have a few tips that are meant to make storing your green artificial Christmas trees a bit more organized, and will ensure that your tree and all your decor are ready to use for the next year with no issues!

Tips and Tricks

1. Remember: reverse the process! It can be tempting to throw these green artificial Christmas trees into a dark corner with a sheet over them and be done. However, in doing this you do risk the ornaments breaking and the tree becoming damaged. So, start by taking off the ornaments, garland, etc., then go to breaking down the tree.

2. Use the original box to store the tree if you have this. You will find that you can reuse this box for many years to come. Simply place your green artificial Christmas trees into the box, and then seal this with tape. You will then want to put this box into an area where it will not get any damage from heat or water. Many people opt to store their tree in a closet that they do not use often or even in the back of a walk-in closet so they can easily access this next year.

3. When packing up your ornaments consider getting a tote box or even an ornament organizer to keep these safe and secure. If you do end up wrapping these yourself, try to avoid using newspaper as the newspaper ink can rub off onto these ornaments in heat and through time. Instead, use packing paper, bubble wrap and the like to secure these ornaments. It will keep these safe while ensuring they look great.

4. If you are removing lights from your green artificial Christmas trees, then you will want to ensure these are safely stored for next year. Many people wrap these lights around empty paper towel rolls to help them keep their shape while avoiding knots and tangles from forming.

5. Take your time! You will want to do this right so that next year when you are getting all of these items out to use again there is no less fuss and hassle with getting these items ready. You will find that taking some time now will save you hours during the next Christmas season. And this can help you ensure you get to celebrating rather than having to spend hours untangling items!

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